This article explores the author’s practice observations while working with women who use force (WWUF) in their intimate heterosexual relationships. 

The VISTA Program’s approach to assessment, education and support, and advocacy frames a description of the impact services have had on the lives of WWUF. By contextualizing a woman’s experiences, with the aid of the ecological nested model, VISTA staff tailor services to member needs. 

This article’s purpose is to provide an extended view of serving WWUF, one grounded in a “healing place” approach that builds on traditional survivors support group strengths and is distinctly different from batterers’ intervention. 

Respect is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1141636, in Scotland, number SC051284 and a company, number 7582438. Registered address: VAI Second Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP
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